Prelude: Carol Baker
Welcome: Stephanie Herr
Worship in Song: Minda Neuman
Congregational Prayer: Stephanie Herr
Children's Story: Laura Peterson
Church Life Story: Stephanie Herr
Worship in Giving : Stephanie Herr
Adventist Television Ministries Evangelism
Scripture: Jeremy, Kayla, Emma & Jake Geisinger
Acts 4:1-31 Illustrated by Samuel Dodge
Sermon: Pastor Ryan Rogers
Before the Council
Response Song : Congregation
#618 Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus!
Benediction: Stephanie Herr
Postlude: Carol Baker
We're Marching to Zion
Sound Technician: Cort Neuman
Deacon: Danniel Shaul
Please remember your Local Church Mission in your prayers and giving.
YTD Tithe 2025: $586279.25
YTD Tithe 2024: $633860.09
Budget Amount: $17750.00
Received this month: $31593.37
Difference: $13843.37
Actual: $213000.00
2238 Inner Springer Loop
Palmer, AK 99645
9:30am: Adult Alternative Sabbath School
9:30am: Bible Study
10:45am: Worship Service
1:00pm: Fellowship Meal